Research Tools and Analysis in Statistics for Social Sciences by Asma Wati Ibrahim ( Author )
, Rabi'atul'adawiyah Abdul Rohim ( Author )
, Farah Muna Mohamad Ghazali ( Author )
, Wan Muhamad Amir W Ahmad ( Author )
Research Tools and Analysis in Statistics for Social Sciences is a complete guide to the practical applications of the relevant statistical analysis in applied research and social studies. The authors aim to build a foundation that enables readers to understand the basic concepts of statistical tools and to emphasise on the various types of analysis and its purposes by providing step-by-step data instructions with an overview on how to interpret and to report these results. This book includes different types of statistical variables and the suitable treatment; common parametric and non-parametric tests; the factors to be considered in choosing the right statistical tools; step-by-step instructions with clear screenshots; and last but not least, ways to interpret and to report each statistical analysis accurately. It also provides an easy-to-understand solution for students and researchers in order to comprehend the basic concepts of statistical analysis which suits for beginner to advanced users.
Penerbit USM
Politics & Social Sciences Reference
File Size 6,218.19 KB
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